“The Stairway” by Ioana Irimia

May 26, 2021 | Cosmina Marcela OLTEAN ArtPage

Young artist Ioana Irimia, born in Roman, Romania, studied and graduated Bachelor (2018) and Master (2020) in painting at the “George Enesco” National University of Arts (UNAGE) in Yassy, Faculty of Visual Arts and Design.

The Stairway” exhibition is her first solo show. It was presented in 2020 at “Stefan Procopiu” Museum of Science and Technology from the Palace of Culture in Yassy and recently a second “Stairway” exhibition was presented at the Metropolitan Museum in Yassy. Ioana Irimia also participated in over 20 collective national and international exhibitions, organized by UNAGE and the Union of Visual Artists from Romania. Ioana’s artworks explore the visual capitalization and some fundamental questions of the human being, showing she’s capable of a stylistic versatility and an exceptional chromatic sensibility.

“The Stairway” is “a story about the cyclicity of moments, thoughts and feelings that humanity has been stirring since creation until today”. The artist proposes “a model of understanding and expression that shapes the connections between art, spiritual, philosophy, aesthetics, in a concept articulated in the form of an installation. (…) Ioana’s ladder is not easy to perceive. The ladder as a symbol of universal becoming, ascending or descending, temporal refuge, aspiration to the absolute or collapse… The entire project can be seen as an aesthetic adagio to the fragments of reality that humanity lives, conceptual notes painted… each reading her works is a decoding in terms of her own soul…”, points out the art critic PhD Maria Bilasevschi.

“Her circular compositions are inspired by the medieval artistic imaginary, but filtered by the chromatic sensitivity specific to the spirit of contemporary painting. The possibility to exhibit this pictorial project in the Baptistery hall of the Metropolitan Museum in Yassy, it is an exceptional occasion for thematic and conceptual framing in the most appropriate place. On the other hand, the chromatic modernity of the works represents a vein of capturing the attention of young people on themes of great depth and beauty… The installation is divided into two distinct visual and ideational registers… The circular shapes of the frames, as well as the bright colors with sophisticated harmonies, give this strong transcendent note of immaterial musicality. Her creative approach consists in generating configurations of ranges and chromatic technologies of an acute topicality, brilliance, beauty and complexity. (…)”, added PhD Assoc.Prof. Cristian Ungureanu, Vice-rector of “George Enesco” National University of Arts and Ioana Irimia’s painting teacher.

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