
LES FILMS DE SAINTE-ORLAN, a close-up view of film as image, as idea, and video as possibility...

February 07, 2022 | Cosmina Marcela OLTEAN ArtPage

LES FILMS DE SAINTE-ORLAN, one of the most important artistic events of 2021 in Romania, initiated and organized by SPACE INTACT and FEDERATION CENTER OF INTEREST, took place at Centrul de Interes / Center of Interest in Cluj-Napoca, at the end of last year.

Photos - @Centrul de Interes, Cluj

LES FILMS DE SAINTE-ORLAN was an exhibition-event that proposed "a close-up view of the film as image, of the film as idea, and video as possibility in the way they are instrumentalized by one of the most important contemporary French artists. ORLAN works with the self-image, with the image itself proposing plausible but absent narratives, auto-hagiographic fictions tailored in a cinematic manner. For ORLAN, film is a possibility explored in all its dimensions: as a medium and as an artistic expression, as an image that cannot be reduced to its mediality, as an (unresolved) problem of representation, but also as a potential instrument of manipulation, as a narrative fiction and body fictionalization", we found out from the project team.

The exhibition LES FILMS DE SAINTE-ORLAN included video works produced in the last 30 years, film posters featuring real but absent famous characters, posters of films that actually doesn’t exist, soundtrack of films that will never be made, and a series of “hybrid” portraits of the artist, some of them extended in Augmented Reality. A call for film scripts, open to the public, sought to bring together scenarios (included later in the exhibition catalog) that went the other way, from the poster to the idea. ORLAN was present in Cluj at the time, participating at both the exhibition opening and the round-table in the exhibition space.

The round-table was an "art talk" with the participation of Horea Avram – Art critic and curator of the project, Associate Professor, Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University
Julien Chiappone-Lucchesi – Cooperation and Cultural Action Advisor of the French Embassy in Romania and Director of the French Cultural Institute, Romania
Ioana Costaș – Director of the French Institute in Cluj-Napoca
Bogdan Ghiu – Writer, essayist, translator
Laura T. Ilea – Writer, essayist, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Călin Stegerean – Essayist, artist, General Manager of the National Museum of Art of Romania
Florin Ștefan – Artist, Professor at the University of Art and Design, Cluj, President of the Federation Center of Interest
Yann Toma – Artist and researcher, Professor of Visual Arts at Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne University.


You can still virtualy visit the exhibition here -


Știri și povești din lumea artei, a jurnalismului și turismului cultural. Recenzii de expoziții, prezentări de film și file de călătorie.

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